• Čeština
  • Frequently Asked Questions

    Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. In this section, we’ve collected answers to the most common questions we receive from you. The goal is to provide quick and clear information about our organization, our activities, and opportunities to get involved and support our efforts. If you don’t find the answers to your questions here, feel free to contact us directly via our contact page. We are happy to answer any other questions you may have.

    How can I support the organization or become a volunteer?

    American Liberator History z. s. warmly welcomes any form of support. You can support us with a financial donation or participate as a volunteer in our events and projects. For more information about support and volunteering opportunities, please visit the “Contact” section on our website or contact us directly. We use a Fio transparent account, which is aimed at supporting non-profit organizations – associations, foundations, funds, political parties. These accounts help strengthen the credibility of the economy by allowing anyone, at any time, to view the history of financial transactions.

    What events and activities do you organize and when do they take place?

    We organize a range of cultural and historical events, including military battle re-enactments, educational programs and commemorative ceremonies. Our events take place on various dates throughout the year. We participate in dozens of other events as exhibitors and guests. You can find the current calendar of events and more detailed information about each event in the “Calendar of events” section on our website.

    How can I visit the planned historical-military museum and what can I see there?

    The historical-military museum is currently in the planning and construction phase. After opening it, you will be able to admire extensive collections of weapons, period uniforms, military equipment and much more. For up-to-date information on the progress of the work and the planned opening of the museum, please follow our website and social pages or contact us through the contact information.

    What is the history and mission of your organization?

    American Liberator History z. s. was founded in 2022 with the goal of preserving and presenting military heritage and history. We have team members whose organizational skills and experience date back to 2008. Years of experience and passion for military reenacting have created a very strong foundation for the development of our organization. The mission of American Liberator History includes the development of military traditions, the care of war veterans, the protection of cultural and historical heritage, and the organization of cultural and historical events. More information about our history and mission can be found in the “About Us” section.

    How can I get more information about specific historical events that the organization presents?

    For more information on the historical events we present, please visit the “Calendar of Events” section of our website. We also recommend following our pages on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram, where we regularly share interesting facts, photos and videos. You can also find announcements about upcoming events and news on social media.